Organizational change management objects at smooth
Talking About Peace & Learning Through Activism
Q What are five interesting concepts or ideas you learned from this week’s readings? When noting the interesting concept/idea, make sure to expand on why you found it interesting. Include at least one citation from the text.
? In page 93 Cowhey quotes Einstein and says that “Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding”. I think this is a very interesting concept with regard to the present-day world situation. Until and unless the people understand the important of peace and take steps towards maintaining it, nothing can change. ? In page 105, Cowhey talks about one goal which is basically “to increase student and family understanding of the right to vote”. This concept is interesting as well as necessary because there are still many people who do not go out to vote. When people do not fully realize the potential of the power of vote, that is very sad.